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Don't forget about accessibility. I'm not 100% sure, but it's my understanding that accessible browsers are still not up to the task of AJAX, and a lot of sites are legally bound to provide access for those browsers. At this point anyway, sounds like continuing to develop the AJAX layer /in addition/ to the server-side layer. stillandhouse |
I am really enjoying reading your well written articles. It looks like you spend a lot of effort and time on your blog. I have bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles.
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I've seen your awareness about this theme whenever you post it and it really gives an informational message to us readers. I am hoping that you'll continue writing this kind of blog. Thanks for sharing this information.
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It was a positive conversation and each day since then he has made an effort to come and speak to her about his success of the day.
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Don't forget about accessibility. I'm not 100% sure, but it's my understanding that accessible browsers are still not up to the task of AJAX, and a lot of sites are legally bound to provide access for those browsers. At this point anyway, sounds like continuing to develop the AJAX layer /in addition/ to the server-side layer.
stillandhouse |
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