
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Troops Randomly Patrol Streets In Pittsburgh, Respond To Domestic Disputes

Americans are once again being conditioned to accept the sight of troops patrolling the streets and dealing with domestic law enforcement issues under the pretext of National Guard soldiers helping recovery efforts after the deluge of snow that has hit the East coast, the same soldiers who just months ago were also helping authorities to brutalize innocent people during the G20 summit in Pittsburgh.

In the aftermath of the weekends storm, hundreds of National Guard members have been helping Pittsburghs emergency personnel respond to residents needs; and beginning tonight, theyre also going to be patrolling some city streets, reports KDKA.

We will also begin to have the National Guard patrol our neighborhoods to deal with any issues that come up, Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl announced at an afternoon news conference. So city residents, he added, be advised that you will begin to see National Guard Humvees in some of your neighborhoods beginning this evening.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette also reported that Gov. Ed Rendell dispatched the troops to deal with all manner of calls that would normally be handled by police, including domestic disputes.

The use of National Guard soldiers to provide aid in emergency situations is a perfectly reasonable measure, but when those troops start to randomly patrol the streets and work with cops in dealing with domestic disputes and any issues that come up, then a dangerous precedent is being set, especially considering the fact that less than five months ago, these same troops were working with the Army and the Air Force to conduct crowd control duties and run military checkpoints during the G20 summit.

Indeed, Pittsburgh Guardsmen kept themselves busy helping troops, military, and multi-agency task force teams to abduct protesters off the streets, attack and terrorize peaceful demonstrators, and inflict LRAD torture weapons on innocent bystanders during the martial law showcase last September

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